CERTIFICATE 1 Gem.Tours Gift Certificate


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This item is for a gift certificate you can use on our website. This can be for tours or any other product we offer. You choose the amount. This makes a great gift to give to someone. A unique gift certificate with a voucher code will be emailed to you or your desired recipient. If the entire amount isn’t used on one order. We will generate another code for the remaining balance.

A visit to the Searle Canyon Red Beryl Mine allows you a unique opportunity to collect a very rare and valuable gemstone known as Red Beryl (sometimes referred to as red emerald). Red Beryl is much more rare (1,000’s of times more rare) than diamonds. Our working mine is world famous and you a chance to find your own gems? Red Beryl, Topaz, Bixbyite, Amethyst and more. PLUS A visit to the Solar Wind Bixbyite / Pink Topaz Mine allows you a unique opportunity to collect a rare and valuable minerals. Our working mine is world famous and you a chance to find your own gems? Bixbyite, Pink Topaz, Pseudobrookite, Amethyst and more. You get to keep everything you find at no extra charge; the standard dig fee allows you to keep all you find. You dig and screen your own rock. You should bring your own tools. Recommended tools are: Rock Hammers, Chisels and Screwdrivers. For those who wish to use our community screens we do have a few on site

A visit to the Solar Wind Bixbyite / Pink Topaz Mine allows you a unique opportunity to collect a rare and valuable minerals. Our working mine is world famous and you a chance to find your own gems? Bixbyite, Pink Topaz, Pseudobrookite, Amethyst and more. You get to keep everything you find at no extra charge; the standard dig fee allows you to keep all you find. You dig and screen your own rock. You should bring your own tools. Recommended tools are: Rock Hammers, Chisels and Screwdrivers.


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50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000


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